Welcome to St. Joseph School. Our mandatory fundraiser for all families is our Lucky Sunday Raffle ticket sale.
The tickets are distributed at our Orientation Day in August of each year.
All parents will be asked to pick up their tickets at Orientation Day August 11, and sign off that they received their tickets and are aware of their obligation to sell and return them
Pre-School - Grade 8 Families are required to sell 25 Tickets at a price of $20 each for a total of $500.
Additional tickets sold will earn your family a tuition credit of $10 per ticket.
Sold Tickets and money are typically due at the end of October.
Drawings take place on the first Sunday of each month from November – May.
There will be 3 prizes drawn each month in the amounts of $400, $200, and $100
There are 7 chances to win, so if a ticket wins, it is re-entered into the drum and eligible for all of the remaining drawings.
Families are invited to sign up to sell tickets at all weekend masses.
If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser, please contact the school office (815) 478-3951.